As I have shared scriptures in podcasts and essays, I have come to see that some pretty straight forward verses to me are not always as plain to others. It used to be that various churches interpreted scripture differently from one another, but now days we seem to interpret them differently within the same church,…
End of the World
Anytime a person with an interest in latter-day events makes headlines I can always plan on hearing the phrase “End of the World” at some point in the dialogue. It is always spoken in mysterious overtones that generate emotions of skepticism and doubt in the person or group’s sanity. The cultish music playing subtly in…
Millennial Missionary Work
During the Summer of 1997, I was working at Treasure Mountain Boy Scout Camp in the cradle of the Teton National Forest. I had many uplifting spiritual experiences in that beautiful place, but one has stood out to me as I’ve thought of it repeatedly over the last twenty years. I was visiting a scout…